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 Chapter 1(1/5) 

The sun shone brightly that morning, making everything seem to glisten and shine.

Nico was helping Bella get ready for the day, just as he did every morning.

Bella "Nico, could you help me put this necklace on?"

Bella lifted her hair up of the way, showing him her neck.

The sight of her bare skin filled him with a sudden brust of mischief.

(Only you do this to me, Bella. Only you.)

Nico "Of course."

Nico took the necklace from her and began to put it round her neck.

Then he leaned forwards and pressed a soft kiss against her nape.

She jumped a little in surprise, and then glanced over her shoulder at him with a grin.

Bella "Nico—"

(I love that sparkle in your eyes.)

Nico "Sorry."

Nico "There, it's all done."

He chuckled softly as he finished fastening the necklace.

Bella "Thanks."

She turned towards him, but a knock at the door interrupted them.

Servant "Your Highness, I'm here to escort you."

Bella "I've gotta go. I'll see you later, Nico."

Nico "See you later, Bella."

(I should probably get going, too.)

Nico waved farewell to Bella as she headed off to work, and then he left her room as well.


After Nico left Bella's room, he strolled through the palace.

In his mind, he was going over his own schedule for the day.

(There's a lot of things I need to get done while Bella is busy with her meetings.)

Suddenly he heard the sound of cheerful voices from out in the courtyard.

Maid "Hey, did you hear?"

Maid "They said there's a ghost in the palace!"

(Now that sounds interesting.)

Nico turned immediately and headed towards the courtyard.


As he stepped out into the sunshine, he heard the maids laughing.

Nico "Hey, can you tell me what you were talking about?"


Chapter 1(2/5) 

Once Nico had finished talking to the maids, he headed to the library.

He began to stamping officials seals on invitations to a ball begin held at the palace.

(So there's a ghost here, huh?)

His hands moved automatically as the thought back to the conversation he'd had with the maids.


##Nico "Hey, can you tell me what you were talking about?"

##Maid 1 "One of the maids said she saw a ghost here in the palace!"

##Maid 2 "And ever since then, she's spent every night huddled in her lover's arms!"

##Maid 1 "You didn't have to tell him that part!"

##Nico "Sure she did!"


(And she's snuggling up to her lover to keep her safe from the ghost...)

(I wonder how Bella would react if she heard about the ghost?)

Nico grinned to himself as he continued to work, but he was soon interrupted by Giles.

Giles "Nico, do you have a moment?"


Nico followed Giles as he led him back to the princess's study.

(I wonder what this is all about?)

Nico stood in front ofthe desk, watching curiously as Giles brought out a large pile of documents and set them down with a thud.

Giles "I would like to consult with you about something."

Giles "I am thinking about having the princess meet with some potential suitors."


Giles "Obviously this is a very important matter, and I would like the princess to choose someone herself."

Giles "But there's so many potential suitors, and she has enough work already. So I would like you to narrow the choice down."

Giles looked up from the stack of the documents, smiling at last.

Giles "You are her attendant, and you spend every day at her side."

Giles "I'm sure you understand her preferences better than anyone else here."

(You want me to choose a man for Bella?)

Nico could barely believe what he was hearing.

He stared down at the stack of documents on the desk, trying to make sense of it all.


 Chapter 1 (3/5)  

(You want me to choose a man for Bella?)

He stared down at the stack of documents on the desk, until at last Giles spoke again.

Giles "Is something the matter?"

Giles's voice snapped Nico out of his daze, and he looked up quickly.

Nico "I'm sorry. It's nothing."

Nico "Of course, I'll be happy to help out."

Giles "Thank you. I appreciate it."

Giles patted Nico on the shoulder before turning to leave the room.

Nico watched him leave, and sighed softly as he turned to stare at the documents.

(It's too late to pick a suitable partner for her.)

(She's already chosen me.)

But then he remembered what Giles had said, about he being her attendant.

(I know. I can't ever tell Giles the truth.)

Nico flipped slowly through the documents, looking at the names and descriptions of the various men.

(Nobody can ever know aboutmy relationship with Bella.)

(But that doesn't exactly make this any easier.)

He was just flipping through yet another documents when the door opened.


He looked up in surprise to find Bella standing there, a sweet smile on her face.

Bella "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"

Bella "I have a little time before my next meeting, and I wanted to come see you."

(You're always so adorable.)

Bella shut the door behind her and crossed towards him, and he smiled at her.

Nico "When you say things like that—"

Nico stood up from the desk, sliding his arm around her waist.

He pulled her towards him, leaning close to whisper in her ear.

Nico "I'll end up wanting to make you miss your next meeting."

Bella "Nico—"

She laughed softly, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at him.

He reached out, cupping her cheek with his hand as he leaned towards her.

Nico "Can I kiss you?"

Bella "Of course."

He pressed his lips against hers, capturing her breath, closing his eyes and focusing on her taste.

(I don't want you to go out on dates with anyone but me.)

(But I can't say that—it's not fair to say that to you when we have to keep this so secret.)

Their kiss tasted oddly bittersweet all of a sudden, and he pulled back.

She was smiling as she gazed up at him, her eyes filled with love, and it hurt his heart to see it.

(I wish there was some way to keep all you to myself.)

Suddenly a idea popped into his head, and he smiled.

(I know.)


 Chapter 1 (4/5) 

An idea popped into Nico's head as he gazed down at Bella.

(I know.)

(I should tell you about the ghost.)


##Maid 1 "One of the maids said she saw a ghost here in the palace!"

##Maid 2 "And ever since then, she's spent every night huddled in her lover's arms!"


(I hate the idea of sending you off on dates with other men, but—)

(If I can't stop that, I can at least make you wnat to be close to me when we're alone together.)

Nico "Hey, Bella—have you heard about this?"

Nico grinned brightly down at her, his arm still firmly warpped around her waist.

He told her the story about the ghost, embellishing it a little, and her eyes grew very round.

Bella "Wait—"

Bella "That's not really true, is it?"

Nico "I don't know for sure, but someone definitely saw it."

Nico shrugged easily, still smiling, and he saw the worry clouding her expression.

(I feel kind of bad for making you scared like this, but—)

(I just want to make you rely on me, so that even if you go out with other men, you'll always come back to me.)

Nico tried to shrug off his feelings of guilt as her gaze dropped away.

He leaned in and kissed her reassuringly on the forehead, trying to tell himself he wasn't doing anything wrong.


 Chapter 1 (5/5) 

That evening—

Nico pulled Bella's blanket up over her and turned away with on last smile.

Nico "Goodnight, Bella."

He leaned over to blow out her candles, but before he could—

Bella "Nico—!"

Her voice squeaked a little, and she reached out to grab his arm.


Nico "What's the matter?"

He turned quickly back towards her as she sat up in bed.

She grabbed his arm again, her grip almost tight enough to hurt.

Bella "I'm sorry, I know this is silly, but—"

Bella "I'm afraid of the ghost."

Her wide eyes begged Nico to stay, and he swallowed hard.

(I'm sure the ghost was just someone mistaking a shadow or something, but—)

(I love it when you look at me like that.)

(It makes me feel so... needed.)

Nico sat down next to her on the bed, sliding his arm around her shoulders.

Nico "Don't worry. I'm right here."

He murmured the words reassuringly as he leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.

(And if it means I get to have you all to myself like this—)

(Well, I can forgive one little wight lie, right?)

Deep in his heart, he knew what he was doing wasn't right, but she was warm in his arms, and that made it easier to accept.

Nico "I have a good idea, Bella."

Nico "I'll hug you and kis you and make you feel so loved you'll forget all about the ghost."

Bella "Nico—"

She looked up at him in surprise for a moment, and then a faint smile crossed her face.

Nico leaned towards her, his heart pounding with anticipation as he kissed her soft lips.

(Dammit, Bella.)

(I could really get addicted to this.)

It feel so good to have her relying on him so completely, and happiness flooded through him.

He pushed her back against the bed, lips only parting for an instant.

Later that evening, Bella finally drifted off to sleep.



 Chapter 2 (1/5) 

When Bella had finally fallen asleep, Nico paid Giles a visit the documents he'd asked for.

Nico "I', sorry this took so long, Giles."

Nico "But I've chosen some potential suitors for Bella."

(I'm so glad I got to see her being so beautiful first.)

(It made it a lot easier to choose them without any jealousy.)

Giles "Thanl you very much."

Giles took the documents from Nico and began to over them immediately."

Soon he looked up at Nico again, a satisfied smile on his face.

Giles "They all seem like very good choices."

Giles "I'll begin making arrangements for the princess to meet with them, starting tomorrow."

Nico "Okay."

Nico found he felt he entirely calm and relaxed, in spite of Giles's words.

(After all, I know the one Bella will always rely on.)

(Those guys are nothing.)

He barely even realized how bright his smile was.

Giles "You look happy tonight, Nico."

Nico "I'm sorry?"

Giles "Did something good happen?"

Nico froze at the question, wondering if there was anything behind it.

(No, you don't know about Bella and I. But I can't let you find out, either.)

(I have to be more careful.)

Nico "Nothing in particular."

But an image of Bella's sweet face flashed through his mind.

(And I can't let Bella find out that the ghost story is probably just a lie.)

(I just want her to keep relying on me like that... just a little longer.)

That small worry stayed in his mind, continuing to plague him.

Within days, Giles had arranged for Bella's first meeting with one of the potential suitors.


 Chapter 2 (2/5) 

Nico stood off to the side, watching quietly as Bella talked with the young baron.

(Your expression is so tense, Bella.)

(You must be feeling really nervous right now.)

He turned his attention to the baron, and watched as the man chatted at her, tried earnestly to hold her attention.

(You're doing it so wrong. But I don't want you to do it right, so I don't mind.)

As he watched the baron, the man's gaze moved towards him, and then he spoke.

Baron "Excuse me."

Baron "Would you mind leaving the princess and I alone for a while?"

(That's not gonna happen.)

Nico "I'm very sorry, but—"

Nico "I am also her bodyguard. I'd appreciate it if you would both remain where I can see you."

Nico smiled politely, and the man's expression darkened immediately.

But the man duickly recovered his composure, smiling coolly.

Baron "I was told that you were the one who select me."

Baron "Surely you can leave us alone for a short while."

Nico "As her attendant, it is not my place to leave her side."

Baron "You really don't get it, do you? I'm telling you to forget all that."

The man's voice grew rougher as Nico continued to turn him down.

(If I keep turning you down, you might actually get mad and pick a fight.)

(I'd still keep saying no even then, but I don't want to cause a scene and make this uncomfortable for Bella.)

He glanced over at Bella, who was watching him worriedly.

Nico sighed softly, turning his gaze back to the frowning baron.

(I'm gonna let it slide, so that this doesn't get any more  uncomfortable for Bella.)

(But don't mistake this as an opportunity to manhandle the princess.)

Nico schooled his features into a polite smile, trying to ignore the frustration roiling isnide him.

Nico "Very well."

(I'll still be watching. And if you do ANYTHING weird, this won't end well for you.) 

He continued to smile at the man, in spite of what he was feeling inside.


 Chapter 2 (3/5) 

Nico found an appropriate hiding place to keep an eye on Bella and the baron without being spotted.

(Well, he doesn't seem to be getting any closer, but—)

Nico sighed to himself, hating seeing her having to force a smile for a man like that.

(I hate watching this. It's not fair on either of us.)

(I just want to go back to when we were all alone, and she was relying on me entirely.)


##Bella "Nico—!"

##Bella "I'm sorry, I know this is silly, but— I'm afraid of the ghost."


(It's just you and me, Bella.)

(We can get through this. Giles will get bored of it eventually, surely.)

Still, it hurt his heart to stand there in secret, watching the two of them chatting for hours.

At last it was all over, and they returned to the palace as evening fell.


Bella looked exhausted as Nico walked her back to her room, and she flopped down on the sofa immediately.

(I should make you some tea.)

Nico stepped away to do that, but before he could start, she spoke suddenly.

Bella "Hey, Nico?"

Nico "Hmm?"

Nico paused, and then turned back towards Bella.

But instead of looking at him, she was staring down at her hands, her face clouded.

(I watched over you as carefully as I could.)

(But if that baron did something to you—)

Nico "Bella?"

Nico "What's the matter? If anything's wrong, you can tell me—"

Bella "No, it's okay."

Bella looked up at last, giving hi a fleeting smile as she shook her head.

Bella "I'm sorry. It's nothing."

Bella "You must be tired after today. You don't need to stay any longer."


Bella "Good night."

(But you were so scared about sleeping alone last night.)

Nico watched in disbelief as Bella turned away from him and disappeared behind her screen to disrobe without his help.

(That feels a bit like a slap in the face, but—)

(If you don't want me here, then I'm not gonna push the matter.)

Nico "...Good night."

Nico tried to ignore the ache in his heart as he turned and walked out of the room.

He turned to his own room and lay down on the bed, staring at the seiling.

(Should I really have left you alone, though?)

He couldn't forget that moment of sorrow in her eyes, when she'd looked almost lonely somehow.

(And you were about to say something, before you changed your mind.)

(Is it my fault? Did I do something to upset you? Did I handle that baron all wrong?)

Nico "Dammit."

(I can't just lie here worrying.)

Nico stood up suddenly, and turned and hurried out of his room again.


 Chapter 2 (4/5) 

Nico hurried down the corridors of the palace, heading straight to Bella's room.

(I hope she hasn't gone to sleep yet.)

Nico stopped outside her room, about to knock, when he heard quiet footsteps approaching.

Giles "Nico."


Nico lowered his hand and turned away from the door with a smile.

Nico :Good evening, Giles. Did you need to see me about something?"

Giles "Yes, I did. I'd loke to speak with you about the baron that Bella met with today."

Giles "What was your personal opinion of the man?"

Nico "My personal opinion?"

Nico frowned a little, not sure what to make of the question.

Giles "The baron has requested to dance with the princess at the upcoming ball."

Nico "If you don't see any problems with that, then I'll accept his request."

(He want to dance with her?)

In his mind hi could see the two of them again, chatting politely.

His heart ached a little to imagine that the man with his arms around Bella.

(But he didn't technically do anything wrong. Even if he was rude to me, I'm just a survant. He was a gentleman with her.)

(If I say something about him, people might start asking questions about Bella and I.)

Nico "Well, honestly—"

Nico "I think it should be fine to accept his request."

Giles "I see. Very well, I shall tell him so. Thank you."

Giles nodded smoothly at Nico's answer, and then turned and walked away.

Nico waited until he was out of sight before knocking on Bella's door.

(There's no answer, but—)

Nico hesitated, and then carefully opened the door, trying not to make any noice.

He crept towards her bed, and found her lying there, sound asleep, her breathing soft and even.

(Thank goodness you were able to get to sleep okay.)

(Maybe I'm just overthinking things.)

Nico breathed a sigh of relief as he reached out to gently brush the hair back from her face.

He leaned over, kissing her ever so lightly on tje forehead, and then whispered in her ear.

Nico "Goodnight, Bella."

(I need to try and stop getting so worked up about this.)

Nico gazed down at her sleeping face for a moment longer, and then sighed as he turned and left.


As soon as the door shut behind Nico, Bella rolled over and buried her face in her pillow.

Bella "I know we have to hide our relationship and all, but—"

Bella "I thought you'd try a little harder to protest the idea of me marrying someone else."

Worry and uncertainty filled her up inside as she lay there, alone.

Her whispered words melted into the darkness, unheard by anything.


 Chapter 2 (5/5) 

The next day dawned bright and clear, with glorious sunshine.

With the ball fast approaching, Bella was having extra dance lessons with Louis.

They stood together in the middle of the ballroom, arms around each other.

Bella "These steps are a little difficult."

Louis "Don't worry. I know you'll be fine. Just keep practicing."

Nico stood off to one side, watching the two of them dance together.

(I'm still so worked up after last night.)

(Seeing Louis dancing with you just makes me keep thinking about that baron, and how he's gonna dance with you soon.)

(I can't help it—I'm jealous. I wish I wasn't, but—)

At last they'd been dancing for long enough that they decided to take a break.

Louis stepped back and turned away, but Bella simply stood where she was, frowning faintly.

(Is something wrong?)

Nico "Bella, why don't you come and sit down?"

Nico smiled at her, taking a step towards her.

Her eyes moved to him, and she gave him a tense smile.

Bella "I'll be right there."

Bella sighed softly, and then turned and stepped towards him.

Bella "Oh!"

But her shoe caught in the edge of a tile, and suddenly she was falling.

Nico "Bella!"

Nico leapt fowards at once, catching her in his arms before her body could hit the ground.

But she gave a short cry of pain, and he could see that her ankle had twisted as she'd fallen.

Without even stopping to think, he lifted her gently in his arms.

Nico "We need to take you back toyour room."

Nico "Louis, please excuse us."

Nico gave Louis a brief nod, and the duke nodded back.

Nico turned and quickly strode out of the room, hugging Bella tightly to his chest.


Nico "Bella, are you feeling okay? Does it hurt?"

Nico had sat Bella down carefully on the bed, letting her legs hang over the edge.

He'd hurried off to get some iced water, and now he warpped her ankle in a cool, damp towel.

Bella "It's really not that bad. You're fussing too much, Nico."

Nico "No, I'm not! We need to make sure it doesn't swell up."

Nico "If it gets any worse, you won't be able to attend the ball."

(Hang on—)

He'd said the words without thinking, but she looked away immediately, her face clouding.

(You've been acting oddly since yesterday.)

(Is there something you want to tell me?)

Before he could say anything, the brooch attached to her dress came undone and fell to the floor.

Nico "Oops!"

Nico picked it up immediately, and sat up, reaching out to pin it back on.

But before he could, she reached out as well, her hands stopping his.


Chapter 3 (1/5) 

Bella "I'ts fine, I can do it myself."

Nico "What?"

But instead of answering, Bella took the brooch back from Nico.

She pinned it carefully to her dress, her face still clouded, her eyes avoiding his.


He felt as if she were pushing him away, and he didn't know what to think.

But an aching, lonely pain welled up instead of him, impossible to ignore.


All too soon, the day of the ball arrived.

(Bella's been pushing me away ever since that day she met the baron.)

(I don;t know what to think, and I can't seem to find the right moment to talk to her.)

Nico sighed softly to himself as he watched Bella dancing with the baron.

His heart felt as it were breaking apart, and he didn't know how to fix it—or how to fix things with Bella.

(For now, I just have to make sure I don't cause her any problems.)

(I just have to act like a good little attendant I am.)

He continued to watch as the baron turn Bella around in a spin.

At that very moment, he saw Bella wince, saw the pain that flashed across her face, just briefly.

He caught his breath, studying her, but she was smiling normally again.

(But I didn't imagine that. Does your ankle hurt?)

As soon as he'd thought that, his body was moving, almost of its own accord.

He strode across the dancefloor, and tapped the oblivious baron on the shoulder.

Baron "What?"

The baron was clearly not pleased to have his dance with the princess interruped, and he glared at Nico.

But Nico wasn't in the least bit bothered, and he spoke firmly.

Nico "I apologize for interrupting, but the princess twisted her ankle just the other day."

Nico "I interrupted you because she's not looking well, and she needs to rest."

Bella "Nico—"

Nico "Please, come with me, Priness."

Nico bowed quickly to the baron, and then put a supportive arm around Bella's shoulder.

He led her out of the ball, being mindful of her ankle as they walked.


 Chapter 3 (2/5) 

Nico and Bella made it safely back to her room, although they didn't talk along the way.

He sat her down on the bed, and then carefully bandaged her ankle.

Nico "I've bandaged it fairly tight, so you should be able to use it for the rest of the night, if you're careful."

Bella "Thanks, Nico."

Bella "Sorry for always bothering you."

Nico smiled at Bella, shaking his head as he stood up, and she smiled back at him.

But there was an awkwardness to her smile that hurt his heart.

(You might nit answer me honestly, but—)

(I need to ask you what's wrong, I can't let it go on like this anymore.)

Nico "Hey, Bella—"

He gazed at her determinedly, finally plunking up the courage, but she looked away.

Bella "Um—"

Bella "I should really get back to the ball."

Bella cut him off quickly, her words clearly flustered.

Then she stood up suddenly from the bed, as if wanting to get away from him.

Bella "Ahh!"

Pain twisted across her face, and she lost her balance again.

She stumbled into Nico, Burying her face in his chest.

Nico "Whoa!"

Nico lost his balance, and as he twisted around, trying not to fall, they both ended up tumbling onto the bed together.


He'd put his arms around her to catch her fall, and now she was snuggled up against him, and it set his heart racing.

She seemed just as confused by what had happened as he had, and she lay there, blinking up at him, her face onlya handspan away.

There stared into each other's eyes, and the moment seemed to stretch on forever.

Nico "Bella..."

Nico reached up, almost without thinking, and stroke her cheek gently.

She felt warm and soft and familiar, amd his heart began to pound painfully.

(I can't—)


 Chapter 3 (3/5) 

Bella "I'm sorry!"

Bella seemed to snap out of her daze, and she started to push herself upright.

But Nico slid his arm around her waist, holding her where she was, just for the moment.

(Things have been so awkward between us for days, and I just want—)

Nico "Bella."

His voice sounded so hoarse and wistful that it startled even him.

But he ignored it as he leaned towards her.

Nico "I know you didn't do that on purpose, but—"

Nico "Now that we're here, why don't we stay a while?"

Nico grinned at her, gazing directly into her eyes.

Bella "Nico—"

She was blushing, but she was looking back at him at last, and she gave him a faint, hopeful smile.

Nico breathed a soft sigh of relief as he leaned in to kiss her.

(Whatever I did wrong, I want to make it up to you.)

Their lips moved together, and his heart seemed to melt as he responded to his kiss.

He kissed her again and again, rolling them both over so that he was on top of her.

She sighed softly as thier lips parted for a moment, and he kissed her again, swallowing the sound.

He caught hold of her hand, linking their hands together, wanting to hold onto her.

But as he did so, his elbow bumped the candy jar on the beside table, and it toppled over.


 Chapter 3 (4/5) 


Candy scattered across the table, the floor, and even onto the bed.

(I didn't mean that, but—)

The brightly wrapped candies nestled around Bella, some of them in her hair.

They made her look even more beautiful somehow, sparkling like tiny jewels.

(You're covered in candy. Are you as sweet as candy?)

(I need to be sure.)

Nico leaned in and kissed her again, more eagerly this time.

Her lips parted, as he slid his tongue into her mouth, twining with hers.

She responded in kind, her mouth moving against his, and he smiled to himself.

(You're sweeter than candy. And I've missed that taste. I've missed you.)

(It's been so long since we've kissed.)

(I feel like I've come home. This is how it should be.)

At last their lips parted, and he gazed down at her, panting softly, but she turned her head away.

She peered up at him out of the corner of her eyes, and she looked like she was about to cry.

A sudden shiver ran down Nico's spine as he stared at her.

(I meant to ask you why you looked so sad, amd instead— here I am, kissing you like crazy.)

(What am I doing?)

Nico froze where he wasm still leaning over her, and she looked away again.

Her voice was soft as she whispered, 

Bella "Nico—"

Nico "Do you really love me?"


He stared at her in disbelief, not sure what to make of her question.

(Of course I love you. I've always loved you.)

(What on earth would make you doubt that?)


 Chapter 3 (5/5) 

Nico "What's the matter, Bella?"

He spoke as gently as he could, amd she sighed softly in return.

Bella "I don't want to go on dates with men I don't know. I don't want to dance with barons who don't even care about who really I am."

Bella "But you picked him for me— you urged me to do it— you left me with him— and now I don't know what to think."

(Wait— is that what's been bothering you all this time?)

Her voice was hoarse and laced with sorrow, and her words seemed to pierce right through him.

He stared down at her, horrified by how completely they'd misunderstood each other.

(I need to tell you how I feel. I need to fix this.)

(But I don't know what to say.)

He gaped at her, trying to sort out  his thoughts, and suddenly she shook her head.

She looked up at him, finally, and the look in her eyes took his breath away.

Bella "I'm sorry if this all sounds weird or stupid."

Bella "But— I don't know how you really feel anymore. I can't tell what you're thinking."

(What have I been doing?)

(How could I have hurt you this badly without even realizing?)

Regret flooded through him, and he took a deep breath.

(I need to tell you how I feel.)

Nico "Listen to me, Bella."

Nico "I—"



英版美男宮殿 ∥ 劇情活動 × The Secret He Keeps  (尤利 Premium/Sweet Ending


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