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** ☆號 表示Special **
Alyn:''I heard a rumor about a shark sighting in these waters.''
Alyn:''Just stay by my side and I'll keep you safe. I am your knight after all, Bella.''
✖ ✖ ✖
Louis:''The performance is about to begin,Bella.''
Louis:''The way our lessons have begin going, you'll be on that stage in no time.''
✖ ✖ ✖
Leo:''Why don't you try this on on,Bella? It'll look great on you!''
Leo:''I can give you some help unbuttoning your dress in the changing room.''
✖ ✖ ✖
Byron:''I've been to this museum dozens of times on official duty.''
Byron:'' But having you by my side makes the paintings all the more beautiful.''
☆Byron:''No matter how busy I get, there's always time for you, Princess.''
☆Byron:''I hope you like my tour of the gardens.''
✖ ✖ ✖
Nico:''Whatcha makin', Bella?''
尤利:「在做甚麼呢? 貝拉?」
Nico:''It's a screat? Guess I'll have to kiss the answer of you!''
☆Nico:''Why I love about summer is howlate the sky stays light.''
☆Nico:''And I get to watch the sunset with you,Bella!''
☆Nico:''I think I'm the happiest boy in the world right now.''
✖ ✖ ✖
Sid:''And that about wraps up tour of the Grandier mation and gardens.''
Sid:''So, whadday think? Wanna be the naxt Lady Grandier someday?''